Local Businesses in Kisumu Enjoy Windfall at KBL Event

The Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) flagship brand, Tusker, hosted a successful Tusker Fest event at Cafe Ole in Kisumu on April 1. The event was not only a hit with hundreds of music fans from Kisumu and the wider Western Kenya region, but it also had a significant impact on local businesses, particularly street food vendors and boda-boda operators.

Tusker Fest Kisumu was headlined by the socially conscious rap trio Wakadinali, who wowed the crowd with their powerful lyrics. The lineup also featured Kisumu-based rapper TK Lyon, who won the Tusker Nexters Talent Search competition. Fans sang along to the Kisumu-based rapper's music word for word. DJ Grauchi, who is currently one of the most sought-after DJs in Kenya, kept the energy flowing on the decks, while MC Saba J ensured the event ran smoothly.

While Tusker Fest was a music event, it had a significant impact on the local community. Street food vendors and boda-boda operators were able to increase their sales significantly due to a large number of attendees. Many of these vendors and operators are small businesses and the fact that the event provided a boost to their income was well-received.

"Tusker Fest is a great event for businesspeople like us," said Dismas Otieno, a boda-boda operator. "When people gather at a venue such as this one, we are assured of business, and we can take advantage of that, and make a good profit. We are grateful to Tusker for hosting this event in Kisumu and supporting our community."

Tusker recognises that events like Tusker Fest have an impact on the local economy that goes beyond the event itself.

"It is expected that the impact of Tusker Fest would go beyond the community. In addition to being a great music and cultural event. It was an opportunity for us to empower small businesses and support the local economy," said Senior Tusker brand manager, Catherine Twesigye. "We are proud of the impact that Tusker Fest had on Kisumu, and we hope that we can have a similar, or a bigger impact at Tusker Fest Meru, next weekend."

Tusker Fest Kisumu was a resounding success, both in terms of entertainment and community impact. Tusker has once again demonstrated its commitment to providing a platform for Kenyans to Stand Tall.